VJ Books Blog

Recommended reading: The best of 2008

(Beacon News, Jan. 18, Teresa Budasi) My favorite of 2008 is the latest novel by Wally Lamb. A decade has passed since Lamb was doubly blessed by Oprah and shot to literary fame. In 1997, the talk show queen chose his first novel, “She’s Come...

Wally Lamb – The Hour I First Believed

(LJWorld.com, Dec. 1) Wally Lamb’s new novel, 450,000 copies of which have just arrived in bookstores, is big enough to threaten Thanksgiving and maybe even Christmas, as readers ignore turkey basting and tinsel tossing to turn the 723 wide-ranging, heavily plotted...

Wally Lamb is back

(www.boston.com, Nov. 3, Jan Gardner) Ten years after his last book, Wally Lamb is back. I’m coming to him late but I found his new novel, “The Hour I First Believed,” out on Nov. 11, engrossing and heart-wrenching. I won’t say too much but it...

Wally Lamb – Interview

(publishersweekly.com, Nov 10, Kevin Howell) PW: Your original deadline was 2004. Were you worried when that deadline was approaching? Wally Lamb: Oh yeah, there was worry all through this experience. I had a terrible time starting this book in 1999. The first year...