In Edgar-winner Liss’s enjoyable third thriller to feature the estimable Benjamin Weaver, an 18th-century London “thieftaker” (after A Spectacle of Corruption and A Conspiracy of Paper), Weaver finds himself working reluctantly for a mysterious gentleman, Jerome Cobb. On Cobb’s orders, Weaver takes employment as a security man at the British East India Company’s headquarters, where he tries to obtain information about the death of one Absalom Pepper, of whom virtually nothing is known. To keep Weaver in line, Cobb has blackmailed Weaver’s friend Moses Franco, close confederate Elias Gordon and his beloved uncle Miguel. As usual, several beautiful women play roles in the complicated plot, which involves industrial spying and the international textile trade. Weaver’s two previous adventures could sometimes bog down in arcane financial and political detail, but Liss keeps the suspense at full boil and the action rolling swiftly ahead.
Order your signed copy of The Devil’s Company by David Liss at
(Publisher’s Weekly, May 18)