VJ Books Blog

Ask John about UK and US Editions

In the UK first editions are published as trade paper backs. Historically hard covers were printed only for library use, until US collectors started demanding hardcovers from UK publishers. Nevertheless, UK runs are shorter. This combined with the value of the dollar...

Dial M for Mystery

(expressindia.com, Jan. 7) January releases will have detective-fiction lovers jump for joy How many times in the Conan Doyle mysteries does Sherlock Holmes say, “Elementary, my dear Watson”? If you’re a true-blue, detective-fiction lover, you’ll know that Holmes...

The value of book plates

(From a customer) I have noticed a few authors offering signed bookplates on their websites for those unable to attend book signings. What does VJ Books think about this practice and the comparative worth of a bookplate signed edition vs an identical signed one. The...

Michael Crichton Dies of Cancer

(TimesOnline, Nov. 5, Patrick Foster, Media Correspondent) Michael Crichton, the bestselling author behind the fictional world of Jurassic Park, died today at the age of 66 after a battle with cancer that he hid from the public eye. Crichton, author of more than a...