VJ Books Blog

Read excerpt from Terminal Freeze

(Publisher’s Weekly, Mar 30) “Even after four weeks on-site, it still seemed hard to believe that anyplace could be so barren.  But then the entire scientific expedition had seemed a little unreal from the start… Unreal that the government had given...

Lincoln Child – Terminal Freeze

(Publisher’s Weekly, Mar. 9) Though Lincoln Child doesn’t touor, that didn’t stop Doubleday’s publicity machine.  E-cards went to his 10,000+ e-mail list, and a pre-pub promotion with Sony Reader gave away two chapters a week for the month...

Terminal Freeze by Lincoln Child

(thrillerwriters.org, Jeff Ayers) Far north in the Arctic Circle, a team of scientists uncovers the frozen remains of a large animal.  Soon after their discovery, a documentary film crew arrives to record their find for a large audience.  Then the movie director...

Lincoln Child’s New Book!

Alaska’s Federal Wilderness Zone…two hundred miles north of the Arctic Circle…one of the most remote places on Earth. But for a group of scientists sponsored by a major media conglomerate, an expedition to the Zone represents the opportunity of a lifetime to...