VJ Books Blog

Getting to know Jerry Stahl

A word or two about Jerry Stahl   I don’t know how we previously overlooked this author.  He is quite well known, and I apologize to him and his fans for not offering his earlier works.  I have our scouts combing the backlist landscape for a hidden cache of his...

John suggests Jerry Stahl

Sitting on the table next to my bed resides two stacks of books.  The first stack is the “want to reads,” the other stack are the “got to reads.”  I re-sort the stacks regularly, and it is interesting what moves to the top.  Today I’d...

Jerry Strahl – Pain Killers

Septuagenarian Harry Zell breaks into the home of former cop turned private investigator Manny Rupert. After knocking out the sleuth and reviving him, Harry hires Manny to investigate the claim of a nonagenarian San Quentin inmate who insists he is Nazi war criminal...